This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-146 Gradebook: Hide Assignment Types not in use.
After selecting the assignment types we will be using in our classes when setting up the gradebooks, it would be nice if the rest of the assignments did not populate when you were making assignments.
I have received many requests for this...especially when there is a fault in the system and the (GB) does not appear after selecting an assignment type....then the teacher has to file through all of the options and hope that they have selected the same one that appears in their syllabus.
We agree. It would help avoid a lot of errors if teachers could only apply the assignment types that they have allowed for their class.
Yes please, the drop down box populates with an entire k-12 schools teacher assignments. We love for it to only populate with that teachers specified assignments.