Re-order students within the Grade Book

We would like to update the order that students appear in the grade book beyond sorting by just first or last name. Our students were assigned numbers 1-25 to aid in organizing homework assignments.

  • Guest
  • Sep 12 2017
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  • Gregg commented
    January 16, 2019 21:10

    It would be nice to have both sort and filter options in the grade book.  Our school has an option for community service during the 4th quarter for seniors.  Should a senior be eligible and decide to participate in the service program he would not be present in class. It would be beneficial for a teacher to be able to sort such those students would appear at the bottom of the list or be filtered from view making grading easier.  

  • Eric bischoff commented
    September 12, 2017 15:03

    A feature to be able to resort the order of the students in any order would be helpful (Create a sort order column for each childin the display settings).  Our need: Elementary teachers assign numbers 1-25 to students to assist in organizing turned in classwork and homework assignments, so that it matches the gradebook order.  The problem arises if a new student enrolls later in the year, then all the numbers must be reassigned to accommodate the alphabetical order of the gradebook.