Teachers usually finish up their grading after the end of the Term. Our Semester 1 ended on Dec 23, but if I have it set up that way in Core, then the teachers are no longer able to enter & commit grades using a Rubric for assignments. In order to allow them to grade with a rubric, I had to change the end date of the Term. This seems like the tail wagging the dog... and causes problems in other areas.
Please change this. There was a same issue with assessments not being able to be graded and into gradebook after end of term, but that was just fixed in this last release. This should be a no brainer as well.
I was just coming to post this same Idea. Rubrics are typically attached to assignments that stretch long periods of time and have students turn them in late. Neither of which works well with a finite amount of time to use the rubric to assess work (by end of quarter or semester). There's also no communication to teachers when setting up a rubric that it will only work within a single grading term.
Agreed--our registrar had to change term dates multiple times to allow grading to be finalized.