Different colored dots for different learning profiles

We have 3 different types of learning profiles (504 accommodation plans, ELL student support plans, and IEP summaries).  We would like to be able to easily differentiate between the 3 on the teacher's roster/gradebook.  We would like to be able to CHOOSE the color for the LP dot for each type of learning profile.  504 = blue, ELL = green, etc.

  • Erica Arnold
  • Nov 15 2018
  • Attach files
  • Julie Horvath commented
    May 05, 2023 22:11

    Our counselors would like this as well. They say "Is it possible to specialize the LP button or create a different button for different plans? Here is our dilemma. Teachers often do not open the plan to see what accommodations a student has. They assume all plans are the same. Then they allow a student to use accommodations (such as extra time or typing) when they don’t actually have those accommodations granted. This poses a problem when another teacher follows the plan.

    Right now any student with any plan has the blue button. So this covers Interim, Official, and 504 Plans (those are for students with diagnosed disabilities, ADHD, anxiety). We want those to have a blue button.

    However, we also write temporary plans (acute conditions - broken arm. Concussion, etc), Response to Intervention / RTI (we don’t yet know if students should or will be tested for LD), and study plans (we are planning to get rid of these as they are more strategies and will not lead to testing). Could these types of documents have something else besides the blue LP button? A student with a Learning Profile may have a RTI plan but doesn’t have actual accommodations so some of his classroom teachers sent him to the ASC for testing with accommodations."

  • Austin Ewachiw commented
    January 10, 2020 16:23

    This came up for us as well.  As a first wave we implemented a LP for our Accommodations.  This was a huge success for our teachers.  We would like to add a second LP for our students in our IEP program.  A second LP notification that had a second color would really clarify student needs to our teachers.  (While we are at it, make it also a hover over like medical does, but that is another IDEA...)  Thanks!