Add ability to schedule student in different section after first term

Sometimes it's necessary to change class sections after the first term to better accommodate a student's schedule.  Would like the ability to do this easily without having to drop / enroll in new section.  Drag-drop would be a nice feature or global add for a list

  • Darrell Parker
  • Jul 29 2019
  • Attach files
  • Kirsten Mayers commented
    13 Aug, 2019 01:29pm

    Really need this.  This was not an issue in EE. 

  • Jessica Watkin commented
    1 Aug, 2019 07:31pm

    Please allow the grading to follow them! If it is just a section change of the same course, they should not disappear out of the first gradebook.

  • Helen Snyder commented
    30 Jul, 2019 03:21pm

    Also - allow the grading to follow them when it is just a section change.