Scheduling - need way to enroll students from requests and easily remove students from class sections, need better lists

The current methods of enrolling/unenrolling individual students in class sections is time consuming.  It would be better to have the ability to have a list of students who have requested a course, then be able to select individual students from the list and assign them to a particular class section.

During scheduling, it is also extremely helpful to have a list of the students enrolled in a class section and then be able to choose one or more students from the list so they can be removed from the class section.

It is also important to have the ability to remove all students from selected class sections when trying various class section enrollments.

It is also important to have the ability to designate a particular class section as 'Locked' so that students cannot be removed or additional students cannot be added by the scheduler or individuals making changes to student schedules.

It is also important to have the ability to designate the schedules of particular students as locked so that these schedules are not changed by the automated scheduler.

It is also important to have the ability to access the advanced lists from the Generate Student Schedules options so that a specific group of students can be designated for scheduling or to not be included in the scheduling.

It is important to have the ability to build lists of students by individual selection. For example, I would like a list of grade level students except for students I would like to exclude for one reason or another.


  • Terri Rodriguez
  • Jul 17 2019
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