Attendance Per Class vs. Per Period, Per Day

It would be very helpful for our attendance set-up to add a new method of record that would tally absences and tardies per class vs. per period or per day.  When a student reaches 5 Unexcused Tardy entries in a particular class it could trigger certain consequences....same with 5 Unexcused Absences. 

Currently the only method close is per period, but if a student misses one day of school it assigns a consequence because that is 7 periods...when we want 5 Unexcused Absences in individual classes to tally and generate consequences.  (Ex:  5 UA in English 9-1st Period, 5 US in Honors Chem-6th period)

  • Cera Marsh
  • Nov 5 2019
  • Planned
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    • Marybeth McKavic commented
      24 Mar 22:43

      Unbelievable that the items that get implemented have less than 30 votes. What gives?

    • Karin Porter commented
      21 Jan 15:42

      We are needing this desperately. We can gather this information through a report, but to have to filter and then scroll down the numerous tardies is VERY time consuming. It's obvious from this "NEW" idea that it is needed. And, more comically, this isn't NEW!

    • Melissa Battis commented
      August 07, 2024 03:13

      I know that there was another idea that this was merged with from 2016, but is incredibly important for us to be able to write rules in Conduct that are based on attendance in a specific course and not a total count. Please please please, help us separate out Attendance by COURSE for conduct and attendance rules!

    • Guest commented
      July 25, 2024 17:31

      I've been waiting for this since 2019. Please post an update, as it's a basic necessity for many schools.

    • Amanda Brown commented
      September 28, 2023 13:35

      I am completely shocked that this is not basic functionality! Attendance/Conduct Managers of any Upper School setting have to manually manage this due to this functionality not being designed. Please, please, please correct this ASAP!

    • Geoffrey Goodfellow commented
      June 14, 2023 14:44

      Our school also has a policy that a detention is issued if a student is tardy to the same class three or more times. Currently the system can automatically issue a conduct infraction after three tardies total across all classes but not per the same class. Therefore, it generates a tremendous number of false positives, since our conduct manager has to manage all of this manually.

    • Spencer Rogers commented
      February 14, 2023 16:25

      I was genuinely shocked to find this wasn't already a thing built into the system. It seems like it should be a basic part of attendance tracking. Please add this ASAP.

    • Guest commented
      December 10, 2022 00:18

      This is deeply needed!

    • Jason Bourne commented
      April 28, 2022 17:29

      The conduct system records the tardy entries along with class section and date and does already filter by term. It would help our teachers and student life office, who must manually track these digital entries in the conduct system, if the cumulative conduct events could also filter/trigger by class section as well as by term.

    • Ted Parker commented
      December 15, 2021 19:06

      This is the most glaring disconnect between Blackbaud attendance and our systems. 72 votes is awfully popular! What's the plan, Blackbaud?

    • Cera Marsh commented
      May 05, 2020 19:30

      Addressing attendance per class allows us to more quickly identify if a particular student is missing a particular class more frequently. Currently attendance consequences are very hard to do automatically in the system, we have to do a lot manually because the system won't calculate what we need.

    • Guest commented
      January 15, 2020 20:07

      We definitely need this in order to give reports on attendance and tardies to our Deans who give out consequences for a certain number of tardies per class or academic consequences for too many absences.

    • Guest commented
      November 22, 2019 01:35

      Major issue for any school  which calculates attendance at the class/period level! Could also be an adjustment to the current period count in that it would only count at most one period per day.

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