Allow the ability to turn off the blue 'S' in the Grade Book.

Teachers notice a blue S icon listed next to the grade box for each student within their grade books.

Currently Assignments which include online submissions will be marked as submitted for students in the grade book when they submit the assignment.

For assignments that are not online submissions, the S is coming from the student's assignment status. Once a student marks the assignment as "Completed" in their assignment center, it displays as Submitted on the teacher's grade book.

We would like the ability to turn off this feature and not have the blue 'S' display in the grade book as it is distracting to teachers.

  • Guest
  • May 19 2020
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  • Angela Addison commented
    21 May, 2020 04:19pm

    Hi @Betsy Sidebottom! I hesitated to close it out 'yet' because the feedback here was a combination of 2 requests - remove the student completed ones completely from showing 's' and also allow control of whether the teacher sees the submitted status at all. We did the first, the second we will be working on in the coming week. I didn't want people if I closed it all together to say wait what we still don't have any control so thought I would wait for it to all be completed. I can close this out though and open a new one that is just for teacher control and link the 2 if that helps. @Matt Greenwolfe we did have a design conversation yesterday about our new gradebook redesign project and our intent is in that gradebook version to allow teachers to create their own statuses exactly for that reason. I'm going to pass your comment on to UX. Thank you!

  • Matthew Greenwolfe commented
    21 May, 2020 03:58pm

    Hi Angela,
    Thanks for removing this tag for the time being. I think the idea has merit, but it was just the wrong time in the wrong year to spring it on us, I appreciate your continued efforts at improving the gradebook.

    I do have another suggestion because I often grade work and send it back to the student for revision and resubmission. Right now, I am sending signals about status of the assignments using the numerical grades, but it would be better to send that status to the student using the flags.

    It would be nice if I could change that flag from S (set by the student when they mark the assignment as complete in their todo list) to R for Needs revisions (so that the student then sees that marker in their todo list) as well as removing the flag entirely once its graded and done.

    On the student’s end, they would mark it as completed themselves, then see the R flag set by me, mark it complete again when it’s ready for me to grade (perhaps several times as needed) and then see it disappear or tagged G for graded (perhaps) when it’s graded and the flag is cleared on the teacher end. I admit I’m not sure exactly what this looks like on the student end.

    Matt Greenwolfe
    Physics Teacher, Upper School Science

    1500 N. Harrison Avenue
    Cary, North Carolina 27513
    P: 919.228.4545

  • Betsy Sidebottom commented
    21 May, 2020 03:46pm

    Thanks Angela. I have an open ticket (017815826) with support about this and I received an email this morning that said "After working with internal resources I was able to confirm that the "S" is a new feature implemented into the teachers' gradebook and I'm afraid at this moment the option to remove it is not available, I will recommend you vote into our portal since we have an idea for this, Click here." That's why I submitted my comment below. According to my open ticket and the reply I got from support, it sounds like it's still an issue. If it has been fixed, can this idea be marked as fixed? Perhaps that would help with the confusion instead of us having to read through tickets or comments to know what the latest is.

  • Angela Addison commented
    21 May, 2020 02:35pm

    All - please read response in the thread that we took the 's' away for student completed are adding controls in settings for teachers to turn it off for the other assignments in our next sprint. Thanks!

  • Betsy Sidebottom commented
    21 May, 2020 02:30pm

    62 votes in three days.....I hope this gets changed. NO ONE needs the extra blue S on the gradebook. As the system administrator, I was contacted by teachers immediately asking for it to be removed. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take it away. Please don't let this be an "idea" that doesn't move. Clearly folks are unhappy. Thanks!

  • Guest commented
    21 May, 2020 01:08pm

    Please turn off student access to the "s" feature; or make it optional for the teacher to use.

  • Guest commented
    20 May, 2020 09:01pm

    Please give teachers the option to turn off the "s" (or remove it completely).

  • Noelle Becker commented
    20 May, 2020 06:31pm

    I am getting a lot of complaints from faculty members. PLEASE turn off this feature! It is a complete nuisance.

  • Joseph O'Neill commented
    20 May, 2020 06:04pm

    Please turn this feature off. Make it optional for teachers to use it for assignments submitted online. It is very distracting in my gradebook.

  • Guest commented
    20 May, 2020 05:58pm

    It would be great if we could use this for actual online submissions or assessments, determined by if a student submits and remove it for assignments with no online submissions aka a student changing the status in their task bar.

  • Guest commented
    20 May, 2020 05:27pm

    Please turn off. Some students have pressed "submit" for assignments they don't even have access to yet. I find the designation meaningless.

  • Guest commented
    20 May, 2020 03:27pm

    Please turn this feature off. It jams up the screen with information that isn't correct and not important. Not all students use BB agenda features.

  • Guest commented
    20 May, 2020 03:02pm

    The feature is allowing students to post submitted when there is no assignment turned in to the teacher. Please turn this off! It is a mass confusion in our grade books.

  • Guest commented
    20 May, 2020 01:20pm

    Please delete this feature. I do not like students having the ability to enter anything

    into their grade book.

  • Guest commented
    20 May, 2020 01:17pm

    I vote not to allow students to post an S and to have the computer continue to put an S ONLY when a student has submitted work using the submit option.

  • Guest commented
    20 May, 2020 01:05pm

    This makes no sense. Please allow us to turn it off. Students can mark assignments complete when they have not completed them. There is no reason for that to be visible in a teacher's gradebook. It's just confusing. Also, why indicate S in the gradebook (which seems to indicate a file has been submitted) rather than C for completed?

  • Chris Paolelli commented
    20 May, 2020 12:41am

    Rather than turning it off, I'd love it if it were an automatically generated indicator that a student has uploaded a file to OnCampus (or Turnitin or another integrated system). Then we can assign 0s or Ms to kids who haven't turned anything in, even if we don't have time to fully grade the assignment yet.

  • Guest commented
    19 May, 2020 11:09pm

    I would request to be able to turn this off. I've had multiple students mark an assignment as 'submitted' when they in fact did not submit anything.

  • Megan Day commented
    19 May, 2020 10:37pm

    Yes, please let us KEEP the "S" in the gradebook for Online Submissions and Assessments that have actually been submitted but we want the ability to turn off the "S" for assignments where the student just clicked "Submitted". Give us control to make those choices!

  • Angela Addison commented
    19 May, 2020 10:32pm

    Hi all, so sorry for the confusion and difficulty. We will be addressing asap. The thought is we would add in display options in the gradebook the 's' for online submissions, regular assignments and assessments and teachers could turn on/off as they see fit. Hopefully that will do it?

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