Better iPad Integration

  • Janice Bonczek
  • Nov 17 2020
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    • Janice Bonczek commented
      January 04, 2021 15:23

      Hi @Angela Addison, sure. Some ideas would be things such as:

      • Better annotation tools (they are extremely difficult to navigate at the moment on an iPad)

      • Better sizing for certain areas

      • Gradebook "wobbles" when you scroll on it (I have a ticket open for this currently)... if you scroll down in the gradebook, the names stop lining up on the right and left hand sides. If you click on a box to grade inside of it, it will highlight the student, but it may be much higher up on the page (or you have to scroll up to find them) to make sure you have the right student

      • Topics page/bulletin board - if you set it up on the computer (with a right and left hand column for example, and things lined up a certain way), when your students look at it on the iPad it looks completely different

      • The top of screen menu does not fit in portrait mode on a standard 5th/6th gen iPad (~9.7 inches). This makes it very confusing to have to access everything through the hamburger menu on the top left. If you shrunk the font or removed the icons, it could potentially fit on the portrait view

      • Dragging and dropping things (in bulletin board, topics, and ESPECIALLY ASSESSMENTS), it is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to properly drag and drop things from the left to the right side. Some of my more computer savvy staff even finds this difficult on a PC (especially for assessments, as I said), so it is almost impossible on the iPad.

      • Creating/editing assessments/assignments in general

      • These are some things I can think of off the top of my head. It seems like things don't get tested as thoroughly for iPad/mobile as they do for PC? (It was one of the selling points from the sales people when selling me the software, since we are an 1:1 iPad school. Not that the software runs badly on the iPad, it just doesn't run as smoothly/seem like there was as much time taken as on the PC.

    • Angela Addison commented
      December 21, 2020 21:02

      Hi @Janice Bonczek can you elaborate on this? Better iPad integration for...?