Currently the only exportable list in the mastery module is the "Generate Mastery Export" report which is a list by STUDENT. It would be helpful to be able to export a simple list of what skills and sub-skills are in the system, without being tied to student performance.
Delighted!! thank you @MichaelMorrissette!
Hey Folks -
As of today, when you go to the Content Area and Transferable skill tables, you will now see an export option available to you.
I apologize, I'd forgotten that I posted this idea, and I posted a very similar one today (June 2023).
Also could be merged with this similar idea possibly?
@Melissa, yes! Also, it would be great to be able to edit or inactivate individual skills and subskills from individual courses, rather than needing to inactivate an entire skill set and re-build it if it was assigned to 3 courses but one teacher wants to change their list. Because we jumped right in on implementation, there are many changes we'd like to make and it's a lot of re-do work to inactivate everything and re-build.
And to be able to filter by class. This is available for Assessment skills but not for Content Area Skills or transferrable. As teachers change subjects, as new teachers come in, we need an easy way of showing them what skills are attached to their courses so they can modify, etc.