UX Design Change - location of the "bulk edit" comment box

When the "Add" button is selected for adding comments for bulk edit operations in the grading area, the text box can be quite tiny if the other elements in the table (outcome descriptions, etc.) are lengthy. Consider moving the textbox to a new row in the table instead of adding it to the same cell as the "add" link

  • Ryan Johanneson
  • Jun 14 2021
  • Attach files
  • Ryan Johanneson commented
    June 15, 2021 13:20

    HI Ben,

    It's in the Grading tab. Here's a partial screenshot of the "bulk edit" interface that appears. It's the same result whether faculty arrive at this interface by clicking the Grading tab of one of their classes, or by clicking the Grading links that appear in Faculty > My Day > Schedule and Performance.

  • Ben Leddy commented
    June 15, 2021 12:59

    Hi! Could you please clarify which exact grading area you are referring to? (e.g. the Gradebook, or the Grading tab for a course, or a different interface) This can help us determine the right organization for this idea. A screenshot would be ideal -- thank you!