Print Roster With Photos of Students

I would like to be able to print the roster with pictures. It would be nice if a teacher calls out to have a way for a substitute teacher to easily identify the students in a roster for a class. Adding pictures would greatly help to make sure all students are accounted for.
  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Jess Moxley commented
    23 Aug, 2024 07:59pm

    This being submitted in 2015 and sitting indefinitely in the "planned" tag is concerning. There's no way this is a massive undertaking to implement and it's clearly been requested by a huge amount of schools.

  • Justine Levesque commented
    14 Nov, 2023 09:58pm

    Hello, if we could get an update for when this will be released that would be excellent. This has clearly been something the community is asking for since 2015.

  • Morgan Kunze commented
    20 Sep, 2023 07:44pm

    Dear developers, this capability exists! It's easy to print a roster's worth of medical contact cards that include photos. Could you just use that same code for roster with photos, and exclude the sensitive personal/medical info?

  • Guest commented
    18 Sep, 2023 07:10pm

    Hi- Please, please, pretty please make this happen!! Frankly I am shocked this capability doesn't already exist and clearly the demand is high. I have 75 teachers in my school asking for this feature. Thank you!

  • Megan Day commented
    17 Feb, 2023 04:20pm

    Looking for an update on this idea and please merge with the ideas listed below in the comments from all the way back to 2017......

  • Alex Smith commented
    17 Jan, 2023 05:30pm

    Is it possible to get an update on when this planned functionality might actually hit the production environment? I have never worked with an SIS that does not have the functionality and it seems to be an amazing oversight on the part of the developers.

  • Claire Broadway commented
    24 Aug, 2022 03:55pm

    Following up again 2 years later on this idea. I had so many teachers request a roster report with names and photos this year in the first week of school and had nothing to offer them except to suggest taking screenshots. Some of the tech-challenged teachers have never taken a screenshot, so training everyone on this is a bit of a nightmare. Please consider prioritizing this! Thank you.

  • Claire Broadway commented
    20 Jul, 2022 07:31pm

    @Ben Leddy, I see this was considered back in July 2021 and is listed as planned. Can we get an update on when it will be implemented? It would be amazing to have this in time for the start of the school year 22-23.

  • Guest commented
    30 Aug, 2021 07:34pm

    When you ahve 50 new students in a year, the teachers are clamering to have a print out of the new faces so they can support our community. Plewase inplimewnt this feature asap! Thank you.

  • john simpson commented
    18 Aug, 2021 04:29pm

    Just searching for the word "photo," I found these in just the first 2 pages of results:

    It would appear that this is an idea with a significant amount of interest, and yet here we are AGAIN trying to get an idea from 6 years ago to just be considered much less implemented.

  • Ben Leddy commented
    28 Jul, 2021 04:48pm

    Hi all! Ben from Blackbaud here. We're considering this idea and would love to share designs with you to gather feedback. If you're willing to connect with us for a video call, please email me at Thanks so much!

  • Ashley Marsico commented
    20 Jan, 2021 07:24pm

    Not sure why this is not a standard list as well. A list of JUST Names and photos!

  • Guest commented
    4 Sep, 2020 06:51pm

    I do not understand how this is not a standard report for Faculty to run. Our workaround is screen shots, but this is an important report for the beginning of the year for faculty members. This is also vital when creating sub plans for faculty.

  • Kim Hughes commented
    11 Apr, 2018 09:45pm
  • Ana Meneses commented
    1 Dec, 2017 04:16pm

    This is similar in nature to the following two ideas:

    Simplified Roster Reports

    Class Roster Print Ability with option photos 

  • Julie Horvath commented
    15 Sep, 2017 08:08pm

    This would be ideal!!

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