Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-964 Allow students to post their own assignments in the assignment center.

Allow Students To Add To Their Own Assignment Calendars Merged

We would like to be able to add their own "assignments" to the calendar. Students are given projects, and often work on these with other students, and are supposed to be setting deadlines for themselves along the way before the actual assignment is due. They are requesting to be able to add to their own calendars, so they can keep all their information/due dates/deadlines in one place, rather than having to use outside sources (ex. phone reminders).
  • Steve Smail
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Implemented
  • Bill Campbell commented
    March 01, 2016 14:35


    This is an excellent idea that has also been suggested by teachers and students at my school. One of the most important skills we teach students is managing multiple priorities and deadlines.  When WH added the ability for students to mark an assignment as in progress or complete that was a step in the right direction. However, well-rounded students have more deadlines that just those formal ones dictated by teachers for homework assignments. As a result many students either don't track intermediate deadlines as they should or end up keeping a system where they have to duplicate what's posted as onCampus assignments in a separate system with where they can also add their own stuff.  In addition to letting students add intermediate and other deadlines for their own tracking, this could make those deadlines more transparent to parents and/or advisors when onCampus is set to allow those people to see assignments.

    Note that this suggestion is also duplicated in at least two other idea posts:

  • +1