Importing Topics from a Group page to Class page

I would like the ability to import Topics from a Group page to Class page.
  • Sandy Sutty
  • Sep 2 2015
  • Attach files
  • Patrick Mulvehill commented
    July 15, 2019 18:35

    Also, need to be able to import topics from a class page to a community group.

  • Megan Day commented
    August 07, 2018 14:53

    Yes! Currently our librarian maintains a community group for Library Resources. It would be great if she could create a topic called "Research Basics" that teachers could pull into their classes when working on research assignments. 

  • Jeannie Finley commented
    November 13, 2015 00:17

    And vice versa!  I had to rebuild a topic page for a club that had already been built for a class. While you're at it, please have the option to make it a true copy that can be modified without changing the original! 

  • +1