Assignments Default setting
I would like teachers to be able to save their customized settings for their assignment center. They can customize their view while they are in the view, but there is no way to save it-- anytime they navigate away from the page, they have to re enter/recreate those settings. It would be better if those could be saved.
Please consider implementing this change. Currently, teachers spend a lot of time changing settings for each assignment. Implementing an assignment template for a particular assignment type is one option.
I have also advocated that Assignments be accessible from the Gradebook directly. Navigating the myriad assignment views is confusing. There is also no way to bulk download a single student's work.
Setting class assignment defaults as a teacher not globally.
Possible templates for assignment type linked to the teacher.
Assignments inherit teacher settings, not global settings when importing assignments from the previous year/semester.
Make Assignment view accessible within Gradebook.
add via a hyperlink
Still waiting for this....
This would also be helpful for Students so if they Filter out classes it keeps those settings saved.
THIS. Or give us an "ALL" option with the others on the side of the page in the course Assignments pages. Teachers would like to set their own defaults, but even giving them a one click option would be better than what my teachers have to do now, which is manually put in a date range of the entire semester every time they view a class' assignments.