New assignment center tweaks - settings that revert, missing work, "next" button

The ideas below come from Middle School Faculty. (#3 has been submitted as a separate idea.)

  1. The new Assignment Center is a little confusing. There is a calendar view and a list view. Personally, I find the calendar view confusing. I have two requests:

    1. Can that page reload with the most recent view? I think it loads showing the calendar view first.

    2. I don't think the calendar view shows missing work. The list view does. Can both views show missing work?

  2. The progress pages are now confusing, and it is harder for kids to see their feedback. Instead of scrolling down a list of assignments, they have to click on the category to see feedback. For example, you would have to know to click on this writing assignment category to see my feedback. While that does reduce clutter, I think it makes it easier to ignore teacher feedback.

  3. As I wrote before, I think it's cumbersome not to be able to click on "next" when a student is in their gradebook, or when teachers are looking at the class gradebooks.

  • Stanley Golanka
  • Sep 10 2024
  • Attach files
  • Lori MacConnell commented
    September 11, 2024 18:49

    Yes, it is harder to see whether a comment has been added in the assignment feedback section! Parents at my school have requested the ability to sign up for assignment feedback notifications. That would be helpful for students to be able to sign up for, as well.