Default from name and reply to address for pushpages

Ability to set a default from name and reply to address for push pages

  • Bryan Lorenzo
  • Dec 15 2017
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    29 Jul, 2022 04:23pm

    Yes, please. We need more flexibility. If you accidentally forget to change that when you hit send, then it looks like it is coming from you. We should be able to change it permanently for each issue.

  • Angela Addison commented
    9 Dec, 2020 06:19pm

    ah ok thanks Bryan I get it, it's at the template level not the global level that the need is. Glad I asked! Seems a low lift, let me check and see if there's hidden complexity that I'm not aware of. stay tuned

  • Bryan Lorenzo commented
    9 Dec, 2020 04:32pm

    Hi Angie -

    I would see it living under the push page template. Right now it defaults to the user sending it. How I envision it would be that the "default" from email and from name is pre-defined in the push page template. But when composing the push page issue the user could still change it if necessary.

  • Angela Addison commented
    9 Dec, 2020 04:14pm

    Thanks Bryan, sorry about the confusion that makes sense. Wondering, would you see that potentially living as a global setting in pushpage email settings? That would then populate as the default when a new one was created but could then still be edited as needed on individual ones? Or if not where do you think that would live?

  • Bryan Lorenzo commented
    4 Dec, 2020 12:34am

    Hi Angie -

    My idea is to have a preset default to the From Name and Reply Address. Right now the system has the user who is sending the push page. The ability to do this does not already exist.


  • Angela Addison commented
    3 Dec, 2020 09:42pm

    Hi Scott, is this not what you're referring to? The ability to set the reply name, address etc. on it?

  • Bryan Lorenzo commented
    3 Dec, 2020 05:10pm

    Where is this setting? I don’t see it but it was marked as already exists.

  • Scott Butterworth commented
    10 Jun, 2020 09:12pm

    An alternative would be to have the default be <null> for name and reply-to, forcing the person scheduling the push page to fill in those fields.

  • Guest commented
    10 Jun, 2020 08:55pm

    It would be ideal to set the default name and address by template.

  • Teresa Martinez commented
    15 Dec, 2017 02:48pm

    Yes! Very necessary!