Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OM-I-559 Add Nickname override First Name option for Affinity Group style.

Create affinity style to display nickname OR first name Merged

We would like to create an affinity style for the website to prioritize using the fauclty member's nickname over their first name, but to display their first name field if they don't have a nickname (i.e., one field dependent on the other). Right now we're only able to use First Name and Nickname independent of the other so both would show up, or if you only choose nickname then faculty without a nickname will only have their last names displayed.

Similarly, if the faculty member is also an alum of the school, we would like to include their short grad year with an apostrophe (single end quote) before the numbers. Right now it only allows for the short grad year w/o an apostrophe.

  • Ali Schwartz
  • Jun 14 2022