Merged idea

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School store inventory Merged

I would like the store to keep track of inventory and then make a product unavailable when sold out.

Currently if an item sells out, people can continue to purchase it unless it is manually unpublished.
  • Deleted User
  • Aug 6 2015
  • Guest commented
    7 Dec, 2016 03:34pm

    The inability to track inventory if a major inconvenience.  We have to issue many refunds as a result.  It would be very helpful if this feature could be added.  Thank you!

  • Gregg commented
    7 Dec, 2016 03:22pm

    This would sure make managing the store a lot easier.  It would be very helpful when selling discontinued items if the system kept an inventory and stopped taking orders when inventory reached zero.

  • Guest commented
    26 Apr, 2016 10:23pm

    This is so important.  And we would use the store if it had this type of functionality.

  • Guest commented
    26 Apr, 2016 10:19pm

    I've used Event Registration in place of Store for years because that tool DOES track inventory!! Go figure!

  • Missie Thorp commented
    20 Jan, 2016 01:07am

    It was an absolute nightmare to keep up with inventory! I had a new online system that was basically dead in the water. The worst part for me was that I was unaware that inventory was not depleting with each sale at the busiest time of the year for a bookstore! In addition, once I found my totals to be wrong, I quickly brought levels down to zero for my used books that had already sold out. However, the system still allowed sales for products that were out of stock! It did not recognize 0 quantity levels! Our parents ordered and paid for books that were out of stock resulting in angry buyers and the need to distribute credits. I am assuming I need to delete/ unpublished a title once we are out ? Please, please, please come up with a solution!

  • rachel nation commented
    19 Jan, 2016 11:23pm

    It would be so helpful if inventory were tracked by the store.  Please!

  • Guest commented
    13 Nov, 2015 06:43pm

    This seems like such a basic function the store should have. When I train new staff at our school how to manage the store, I have to excuse the lack of this feature as a quirk of blackbaud and constantly remind people to make sure they're keep close track of sales so we don't go over our inventory.

  • +1