Creating a Future News Story - Notification Option Should NOT Disappear When Saved

When an item is added to a news content category with a future publish date, and then saved, the ability to edit the notification on/off checkbox disappears.

Many of our news items are created in advance, edited and reviewed, and then later finalized for publication. It would be helpful to be able to change our minds about whether or not we want to send out a notification about that item during that revision process. It seems like some kind of an error that the ability to edit that checkbox disappears completely when the item is saved. At the least it should be visible to verify whether or not that option was selected.

  • Colleen McNeil
  • Aug 12 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    April 17, 2017 12:54

    Agree! We have also found this means if we are editing an old News item to republish, we do not have the option of sending a notification the second time around.