Add code for "Add to Calendar" links in events/pushpages

Calendars are complicated, no matter how you cut it. While some folks may be savvy in using RSS feeds, others are not. It would be AMAZING (and frankly, with the current times and trends) to have an "Add to Calendar (ICS/Outlook & Google)" link option for events.  Since we often send email specifically highlighting certain calendar events, even better if we could add those links to PP.

  • Guest
  • Apr 5 2016
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Steve Smail commented
    24 Apr 02:45pm

    It's 2024 and with 266 votes, it's time for this 2016 suggestion (!) to be fully implemented. According to a BBK12 comment below, in 2018 it was planned to be implemented in athletics and other areas but I've confirmed in April 2024 that it has not been implemented in all areas - the athletics implmementation is hidden/buried and has a very poor design for any actual use from what I can tell. Would like to see some movement and improvement on this feature ASAP - it's a simple thing to do well and commonplace in online calendaring systems, and has been for years. Thanks.

  • Hannah Wheeler commented
    23 Nov, 2020 05:36pm

    It would also be a time saver to be able to click on the day you want to add an event to, rather than the "add event" button, then find the day etc. Often times I am adding things to a whole month at a time and it is frustrating to keep having to look at the date rather than just click where I want to add like in Google or 365.

  • Anthony Gallo commented
    8 Oct, 2018 03:35pm

    We implemented the first phase of this feature within athletics events.  View the details for any athletic event on a calendar or from a team page and you are able to add that single event to your calendar.  We will be rolling this out to other areas in 2019.  

  • Megan Day commented
    16 Mar, 2018 03:58pm

    Glad to hear this is planned! Hoping there is a way this can happen with onMessage (public) calendars as well as onCampus calendars?

  • Vicky Adams commented
    16 Mar, 2018 03:36pm

    Yes, please!!

  • S. Norcini commented
    3 Nov, 2017 06:10pm

    We can hardly wait for this functionality!!! It's such a must nowadays. Thanks.

  • Luis Deocares commented
    3 Nov, 2017 05:02pm

    Having an"Add to Calendar (ICS/Outlook & Google)" link option for events would certainly be great!

  • Guest commented
    29 Nov, 2016 07:54pm

    I found a workaround for adding "Add to Calendar" for single events:

    • subscribe to a calendar in iCal ( Apple just calls in 'Calendar'...)

    • go to an event and click-drag the event from iCal onto your desktop. This create an .ics file.

    • upload that file to Downloads (I created a category called 'calendar event links')

    • after you save the upload, control-click on the name of it and select 'Copy Link'

    • add this link in the calendar or in your pushpages. I made a little icon to attach it to.

    When someone clicks on this link they will immediately be asked to add the event to their calendar. If the full scope of this request can't be done, adding a Downloads widget to calendar events would also work. Then I'd just have to drag the .ics file to the Downloads (would also allow us to add files easily to calendar events)

  • Julie Horvath commented
    27 Jul, 2016 09:26pm

    Also for an Athletic team on the front end of the website.

  • Guest commented
    12 Apr, 2016 06:22pm

    It would also be great to have the RSVP functions for the event.

  • +170