We would like the the ability to select more than one accepted currency in our BBPS Settings so that both our US and Canadian Users can give to the school without needing to be separated after and then put into the correct account

Currently Constituents need to call and be put through our BBMS account manually to be able to go into the correct account set up for USD and it would be much more convenient to be able to have both accounts set to their own giving form and allow for the user just to be able to fill out either of them to give in whatever currency they want. 

  • Guest
  • Jun 27 2016
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  • Guest commented
    28 Jun, 2016 11:42am

    This would make it much easier, user friendly and compliant for those of us in schools who are able to issue official income tax receipts with both the CRA in Canada and the IRS in the USA. Canadian dollar donations would be deposited into a Canadian bank account set up with BBMS and USD donations to a US bank account with BBMS.