We would like the ability to order the payment types in the Giving Forms.

On our Giving Forms, we would like to be able to select the order of the payment options. Currently the order starts with checks and ends with the credit card option. We would like the credit card option to appear first, as some people have chosen the check option by mistake.

  • Brenda Riley
  • May 11 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    19 Jun, 2019 06:38pm

    We have this same problem. The icons appear very close together. Check is the default and appears first. I would like to have control over the order and/or the default option.  Improving the icons would also help. 

  • Guest commented
    19 Jul, 2018 01:15pm

    It is a big issue for us - and we look stupid.  Either make the default credit cards, change the image to look more like a credit card or use words instead of ridiculous/undecipherable images.

  • Hollis Carroll commented
    24 May, 2016 02:39pm

    We are having the same issue. Please offer an option to this problem. Thanks you