Ability to bulk manage assessment skill status, additional filters, link to the grade plan

With the Apr 2017 release (detailed here: https://kb.blackbaud.com/articles/Article/109686 ), assessment skills can now be inactivated. They also have an amazing new filter interface that lets them be sorted based on where they are in use, among other features.

Several additional ways I think they could be improved further:

  1. A filter for which year, school level, and/or course uses the assessment skill
  2. The ability to 'select all' in a filtered result, so that a course/year's assessments could be bulk inactivated
  3. If the grade plan column were an active link that took you directly to the grade plan detail that uses the related assessment skill.
  • Guest
  • May 12 2017
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    • Kim Hughes commented
      November 29, 2017 23:04

      A filter for grade plan too.

    • S Long commented
      May 13, 2017 00:38

      Being able to add new skills within the Grade Plans in the School year setup tab would also make this process more user friendly.