Ability to "not override existing entries" in attendance

There is currently no ability to choose whether or not to override existing entries in attendance. This should be implemented as there are times a student has put in a notified absence ahead of a trip and then we enter attendance that we would not want to override the existing entry. Or vice versa. 

  • Mindy Stone
  • Jun 8 2017
  • Attach files
  • Kim McAmis commented
    November 17, 2022 13:37
  • Rick Geyer commented
    October 08, 2018 18:53

    This is a much needed feature. When bulk adding attendance, we should have the option to overwrite previously scheduled absences or not. This would be very useful when entering early sign-outs for sports teams that have to leave early. Currently, if a student is absent for the day and that has already been noted, then a team they are a member of is released early from school, the early sign-out overwrites the excused absence and it appears as though this person left with the team, when in fact they were not at school that day.


    ADMINS: There is a duplicate idea pertaining to this can can be merged into this one: https://blackbaudk12.ideas.aha.io/ideas/K12OR-I-925