When you enter attendance for a student who already has attendance in the system, a prompt should come up that asks if you are sure you want to override attendance already entered.
For example, if a student has been called in sick by a parent in the morning but was scheduled to go on a field trip in the afternoon - when the field trip code is entered a prompt would open up and say are you sure you want to override attendance for "Alex Smith" and you could click confirm or cancel and remove them from the field trip list.
Another thing that would be helpful- is if certain day attendance statuses push out to teacher gradebook automatically. If the office indicates that a student is absent for the day, the teacher should not be able to edit the class attendance for that student
I completely agree. This would be such an amazing feature to ensure appropriate attendance codes remain in the student's attendance. Really hopeful this can be an idea implemented sooner rather than later!
One of our biggest issues with attendance is the "blind overwriting" it does when entering attendance for a student or group. Implementing this idea would save us so much headache!