When you click on a student's GPA in their Academic Profile, it brings up a very useful display of the grades that comprise the GPA. We use this for checking purposes and to spot errors in GPA. Unfortunately, when you try to print this, the lines get skewed. Support told us that this view was not designed to be printable. It would be very useful to us if we could print it.
This would be useful to have so that I don't have to spend time creating a spreadsheet with how a GPA is calculated for students & parents.
Agreed! I often need to show how the GPA is being calculated to deans, advisors, students and parents so having the ability to print from Grade Average Detail would be very helpful.
Printing would be helpful, but even more helpful would be if there was a report that could pull all of the numbers (quality points, weight, credits) for each calculation for each student in the system. There is so much great analytical data here, it is a shame the only way you can access is opening the calculation screen for each student and then opening each marking period, and then repeating the step for each year you want to view.