Ability to view GPA Detail: Cumulative, for a specified range

For our school, we honor the GPA scale of the student's prior school. In order to make certain that their prior GPA is correct in our system, we need to be able to view a cumulative GPA, but only for a range of grades (Example: Their 9th-10th Grade Cumulative GPA).

The 'GPA Term Ranking' report can pull the overall GPA for a range, which is great for checking final numbers, but lacks the detail that can be seen when 'zooming in' on a GPA from a student's Academic Record.

To see the GPA Calculation Detail for a student, for a limited range of year currently, we need to create a new GPA Calculation for a specified range of years (for Transfer grades only). While this 'works', it is a lot of effort, and it would be far simpler if there were a 'range' option when zooming on GPA detail, as there is with the GPA Term Ranking report.

  • Joe St.Clair
  • Sep 29 2021
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