Sports / Activities Early Dismissals should connect to the attendance manager and student attendance.

When setting up a sports or activities event, the event manager has the option to provide a dismissal time.  The dismissals are frequently "early dismissals" falling within class time.  The Attendance manager and Teachers need to know when a student is legitimately excused to be dismissed from class.  Please make the "dismissal time" box in the event planner connect to and inform the attendance modual.   

  • Guest
  • May 3 2018
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  • Andres Azofeifa commented
    July 19, 2021 23:05

    If this can be rolled over into, perhaps i can gain more traction as that idea is over 60 votes, maybe merging as a duplicate is in order

  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    December 18, 2018 21:08

    I recently had a support call about this very thing.

    Currently there is a dedicated "Dismissal Time" field for athletic games, but there's not an easy front-and-center way for students (or their teachers) to know when these early dismissals are schedule.  Given this information is already being supplied, there needs to be a mechanism in the system that takes this information to improve the experience of finding and seeing this information for both students and teachers.

    We would like to see a mechanism do the following:

    • See that X game has an early dismissal time assigned
    • If an early dismissal time is assigned, determine the students based on the team roster for the event who the early dismissal applies to
    • Use this information to populate a student's "My Day" schedule so they visually see when they're supposed to leave given the configured dismissal time.  At the moment, the only thing that is displayed is the actual start and end time of the game on "My Day".
    • Based on this, have some visual mechanism which indicates to teachers that have students enrolled in courses who have a student being dismissed early know of this fact.
      • I see this being accomplished in at least three key ways:
        • 1) When a teacher searches for the student in "Find Me Now" on their "My Day" page, an early dismissal is listed similarly as on a student's "My Day" schedule.
        • 2) When a teacher looks at his or her class roster, a visual indicator should appear adjacent to a student's Contact Card (similar if they have a learning profile or medical information) so they can quickly determine that A) the student does have a sport with an early dismissal and B) a quick way to access the time the student is being dismissed early.
        • 3) When a teacher looks at his or her attendance for a class, a visual indicator (at least) should be present so a teacher knows and can access a student's early dismissal time before marking them present or absent.  Better yet, a student's attendance status should automatically marked as an "Early Dismissal" without requiring the teacher OR an attendance manager to do this.
          • I'm guessing this specific element would require a lot more work within the attendance side of things to make this possible, but would also be incredibly helpful.