Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-644 Allow teachers to see past years' Official Notes in students' Contact Cards.

Have Official Notes follow the student such that current teachers can always view - not be school year dependent Merged

Right now, the official note has to be copied over each year such that current teachers can view it. Ii would be great if there were a place (maybe even outside of Official Notes) such that teachers could record helpful information about the students that their future teachers could view.

  • Guest
  • Jul 27 2018
  • Ben Taylor commented
    6 Jun, 2022 03:16pm

    Very much agree here, this even constrains teachers within the year itself. If you teach them term 2 but not term 1 you can't see potentially important notes for the student.

  • Carolyn Stevens commented
    27 Jul, 2018 06:25pm

    It looks like this idea is out there numerous times. Can Blackbaud search on it and consolidate the ideas? Because I think if you did, you would see how many people actually want a more flexible functionality from Offical Notes access. Thanks!