Nurses would like to have "Save & Hold" and "Save & Sign" options for saving Medical Visits

When our nurses are meeting with students, they would love the ability to "Save & Hold" as they enter information for a Medical Visit. They would then like the ability to return and edit the visit and then officially "Save & Sign" the visit once they feel the information is complete. Right now, they can only add additional notes if they've saved the visit, and sometimes they'd like to adjust some of the other information. Thanks for considering!

  • Guest
  • Sep 10 2018
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  • Karola Trockenbrodt commented
    February 14, 2023 16:02

    I would like to add to this idea that it would be great to open a case from earlier that day and add other visits. Sometimes students return with the same issue. Then it would be an ongoing report and the nurse does not need to rediscribe what happened earlier.

  • Lorrie Neuharth commented
    October 05, 2022 15:06

    We are new to Blackbaud and our nurses identified this functionality request would be very helpful.