I would like the ability to print out Medical Summary Information individually for students

I was able to do this in EE and it's helpful in the case of one student needing to go to the hospital to be able to export and print this information individually rather than in a huge spreadsheet. I also need a column for Birth date for the student in the Medical Summary List as this is something all Hospitals ask for and it's on the Medical contact cards, but not in the Medical Summary List options for columns. Finally I'd like the ability for teachers to be able to save the Medical Contact Card Report on phones so a teacher can have an electronic copy of the contact cards for ease of use on field trips.

  • Guest
  • Sep 7 2016
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Graeme Campbell commented
    7 Jun, 2017 08:58pm

    Agree - this should include ALL information contained in the medical section...

  • Guest commented
    31 May, 2017 07:33pm

    I would not say that this is “implemented”. I still do not get a printout of immunizations.



  • Guest commented
    31 May, 2017 07:29pm

    THANK YOU!! This was so needed. Now we will use this part of the system.

  • Guest commented
    26 May, 2017 02:37pm

    This is crucial!

  • David May commented
    25 Apr, 2017 05:10pm
    • the "medical card" by the individual, by class and to filter out ones I may not need (ie if not all of a class is attending a field trip).  
    • an "export" if a student transfers out (this would need to include office visits).
    • report with all conditions and allergies a parent lists.
    • report with just allergies.
    • a report to note immunizations are on file and a report that a physical form would be helpful too.
    • I'd like to be able to get a report or list of just name and grade too.
  • Sandy Sutty commented
    25 Apr, 2017 02:30pm

    This is absolutely necessary. 

  • Mindy Stone commented
    18 Apr, 2017 03:05pm

    Absolutely Essential. A quick easy one sheet with all pertinent information for medical responders to use - birthdate, address, allergies, medications, emergency contacts etc. The fact that this can be done in EE and not in CORE is absurd. 

  • Guest commented
    27 Jan, 2017 09:12pm

    I want this, too. Would be very helpful for running updates

  • Mindy Stone commented
    26 Jan, 2017 11:34pm

    yes yes and yes! This is crucial.

  • Mindy Stone commented
    18 Jan, 2017 10:34pm

    It is crucial to be able to print individual medical contact cards for use on trips and during emergency drills etc.

  • Nicole Owensby commented
    11 Jan, 2017 05:29pm

    It is essential that the nurse be able to print these medical cards as well. Due to the fact that I do not have "class lists" I am not able to rint the medical cards and I am the one who gathers ALL of the medical information and supplies it with emergency equipment for field trips. 

  • Claudia Gonzalez commented
    8 Nov, 2016 05:35pm

    It would be great to have an option to print the cards by grade as well.

  • Justin Medved commented
    7 Nov, 2016 11:47pm

    This should be an essential feature.

  • Guest commented
    27 Sep, 2016 01:54pm

    We need to be able to print medical contact cards for individual students.

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