Academic 4 year plan

Currently we have grade chairs that discuss 4 year plans with HS students, what courses they should take to stay on graduate track successfully etc.  they review that plan each year to make sure the student is meeting credits and is takings courses that best fits them.  IT would be ideal if Blackbaud offered something like this to forecast for HS students.

  • Lisa Williams
  • Feb 28 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    February 01, 2022 13:14

    Hi Jacqueline!

    My name is Leslie Hagen and I’m the platform manager at Wesleyan School. When our school began using Blackbaud, Lisa Williams was the school’s platform manager but she is no longer working at our school. Lisa submitted this idea back in 2019 and you recently replied to her suggestion. I just stumbled upon her idea as I was searching the idea bank because the school is still facing this same hurdle with regards to student course planning. Our grade chairs and advisors map out the 4 year course roadmap with high school students using an Excel spreadsheet and the process is very time consuming. There is a great desire to have these capabilities exist within Blackbaud to tie into the Course/Registration Scheduling piece. Our school would love to see course planning that would automatically update the courses on a student planner view once the schedule for a student is set. And then track progress, mark course completion, etc like the new Diploma area…

    If you need a school to talk through ideas, we would love to provide thoughts. Thanks in advance for your time!

  • Admin
    Jacqueline Koca commented
    September 24, 2021 01:49

    We recently released Diplomas as feature in SIS. I'd love to learn about the need shared here to see if the diploma requirements solves that for those of you that voted for this.

    A similar idea is in the idea bank specifically for a planner separate from graduation requirements so would love to merge the ideas together if that is more what this need aligns with.

    Thanks so much!
    Product Manager, SIS