This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-1902 New Report Card Builder: Do not display changed section courses with no grades.
In the new Report Card Builder, if there is a student who changes sections during the year (same Course), the builder does not recognize their grades as being from the same course and it creates a new course listing on the report card. Basically, the result is that the course is listed twice which is confusing for parents, especially since the teacher's name does not appear to differentiate these sections.
I believe this also happens on the new Transcript Builder. We need the new Transcript Builder to only list 1 course when a student take a different section of the same course during the year.
This is a very big issue at our school. We have 1/2 our upper school changing sections between fall/spring for the same course. Additionally the attendance is messed up. Because the course is listed twice on the report card - it shows the same number of absences for both listings - even though one of the courses is just for fall and one just for spring. Basically double counting absences.