New Report Card Builder: Do not display changed section courses with no grades

On the New Report Card Builder, in the 'design form' section, we have selected the option for: Suppress courses without grades, comments, or ratings. This works correctly to not display courses on a report card where there are no grades or comments and 'drop' was selected when removing the enrollment.

However, this option does not suppress a section from displaying where 'change section' was selected. The solution does make sense (Re-enroll the student in the prior/changed section/term, and then remove the enrollment with the 'drop course' option), but I'd rather 'Suppress courses without grades, comments, or ratings' actually be 'Suppress course sections without grades, comments, or ratings'.

  • Joe St.Clair
  • Jun 10 2019
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
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    • Asim Chowdhry commented
      December 12, 2022 14:25

      This is really confusing for anyone viewing the report card. It may be useful for keeping track of history and viewing those on other lists/reports/advanced lists; however, makes no sense to show on report card.

      PLEASE fix, as this is causing lot of issues!

    • Guest commented
      November 04, 2022 14:37

      Please, this needs to be fixed right way! It's very confusing for families to see multiple teachers when there is only one teacher. Please this is urgent.

    • Rachael Garcia commented
      July 13, 2022 15:51

      YES PLEASE! Our school does not want changed sections to appear on either our report card or transcript. Often it is a level change that doesn't receive a grade therefore should not be on a transcript.

    • Derek Morton commented
      August 02, 2021 15:47

      Has this been fixed?

      Here is my workaround plan this year to deal with 1/2 group volatility in Academics and Advisory so I don't get duplicate entries in the report card when a student has a section change;

      1) FOR GRADING: Use full class lists in Academics classes and make academic courses for Advisories**

      2) 1/2 GROUP MGMT: Define 1/2 groups for academic courses as Activities and as Advisories for advisory groups

      3) SCHEDULING: Use Advisory and Activity (1/2 groups) for class scheduling

      **One issue with this approach is that the report card will list all advisory teachers for each grade on the student's report card

    • Guest commented
      February 11, 2021 16:17

      When you 'view dropped grades' it is really changed and dropped, so it seems counterintuitive that the include dropped checkbox on new report cards causes only dropped, not changed to be excluded. We use change to simply indicate the student swapped one course section for a similar and drop implies they dropped the class and took nothing else in its place.

    • Oona McKnight commented
      September 24, 2020 20:55

      This appears to have been partly fixed, as the grades from the two sections now show up on one line. However, the total credits are not showing; it only shows credit from one semester. This does not affect the GPA, which is calculated correctly, but we have to go in by hand to change all the 0.5 credits to 1.0 credits.

    • Derek Morton commented
      March 05, 2020 03:18

      We should have the option to display the Course section grades as one Course or as different Sections

    • Alex Orlebeke commented
      March 02, 2020 18:38

      While there are two merged ideas here, there are several merged with one of them ( in particular. Want to make sure none of the features and ideas we've added and/or comments fall through the cracks when this gets addressed ...

    • Kirsten Mayers commented
      February 18, 2020 20:48

      One other thing to consider is that we would like grades to pass from the old section to new section so that in grading tab teacher can calculate a final grade for the year. 

    • Angela Neff commented
      February 06, 2020 20:28

      There is a huge problem when using  the drop error solution for deleting a section of a course - the grades associated with it are gone forever.  They are not sent to the Drop grades report. 

    • Kirsten Mayers commented
      October 16, 2019 15:10

      We also have many students that change sections from one semester to another to accommodate a semester long class offering.    Not only does the course show up twice when the section changes but the absence totals are double counted in each section.   Hopefully you will be able to find a way to fix this issue on both report cards and transcripts to only list the course once - regardless of section. 

    • Geoffrey Goodfellow commented
      October 11, 2019 19:08

      Also agree.  We have many students that we deliberately change to a different course section at the semester break to enable them to take another semester-long course that meets at the same time as the original section. 

    • Oona McKnight commented
      October 03, 2019 22:58

      Same for transcripts! I would like to be able to show courses without grades (to show the courses in progress) but NOT show multiple instances of courses where the student has changed sections. Please see this related idea for transcripts and vote on it.

    • Rick Geyer commented
      June 15, 2019 19:42

      There are no words to describe how irritating this is. I find it hard to believe that any school would want to show the changed class on the report card, but even if some did, the vast majority don't want to see these classes. There should be an option to hide changed classes.

    • Guest commented
      June 10, 2019 22:47

      I'm new to onRecord this year and this have been a difficult change from Education Edge.  I know that you all are working on a difficult program.  I had to call support several times in January to fix grades on a report card and now in May, I needed more help. 

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