Show grades for all terms of a course on one line in new Transcript Builder, when students switch sections

In the new Transcript Builder, if students switch sections of a course partway through the year, the grades for the two terms now show on two different lines.

For example, we have 4 sections of Spanish 2 and students can switch sections for the spring semester depending on the rest of their schedule. In the new transcript, this now shows Spanish 2 on two separate lines with a Semester 1 grade on the first line and a Semester 2 grade on the second line. But if they stay in the same section all year, both semester grades appear on the same line.

I don't see any reason to have 2 lines for semester grades from one course; the grades for one course should all be on one line. Another problem is that it bumps the transcript onto 2 pages for some students.

  • Oona McKnight
  • Oct 3 2019
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Grace Rios commented
    October 06, 2023 17:55

    This does not happen on the old transcript builder, and it allows for a clean read on the transcripts when students need to switch to a different section of the same course - please consider this for the new builder.

  • Sarah McDermott commented
    April 27, 2023 16:04

    I see that this is under consideration, and this would be a HUGE help to our school, as students switch sections of a course every term (we have a very flexible schedule through the year) and our transcripts are very long due to each section being on a different line.

  • Steve Beezhold commented
    October 31, 2019 12:54

    I think this would be a big help to us and to most schools.

  • Geoffrey Goodfellow commented
    October 11, 2019 19:09

    This has also been a large problem for us.   Because the old transcript builder is able to do this correctly, we have abandoned our attempt to move to the new transcript builder until this is corrected.

  • Kirsten Mayers commented
    October 08, 2019 16:48

    This is a huge problems for our school as well.  We also have a final grade that needs to combine the Sem 1 and Sem 2 grades.  When listed on separate lines on the transcript this is very confusing and hard for colleges to understand when applying to college. 


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