Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-2023 Show grades for all terms of a course on one line in new Transcript Builder, when students switch sections.

New Transcript Builder: Do Not Display changed section courses with no grades Merged

We use the change section often between fall and spring semester and more often than not, there are no grades associated with the changed section.  We need to have an option to suppress showing the changed sections on the transcript if they have no grades.


We have hundreds of changes each semester and not having the ability to suppress them makes the new builder unusable for us.

  • Katherine Lewis
  • Nov 7 2019
  • Under consideration
  • Jennifer Nakanishi commented
    January 22, 2020 19:50

    It looks terrible to have the course repeated two times, one with a grade and one without.  This functionality is necessary!