New Report Card Builder: "Suppress section if blank" leaves big space

On the New Report Card Builder, if a section has the option to "Suppress section if blank" and there is no information to display, it leaves a big blank space on the report.  The blank section should be truncated so there is no large gap.

  • Jennifer Nakanishi
  • Dec 19 2019
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    • Shannon Crews commented
      September 09, 2022 20:32

      This is also an issue if you have several grading plans. We offer year-long letter grade courses, Pass/Fail courses, and one-semester letter grade courses; each with a separate grade plan. It forces you to create a column for EACH grade plan, so then when the report card is generated the grades look messy because there is a blank space for each grade plan column that isn't being used for that course. There should be a way to create a "Grade" column that includes ALL grade plans like in the old report card builder.

    • josceline reardon commented
      November 16, 2020 15:27

      And is actually doesn't suppress a section, it only suppresses a course. We have PE course and 1 section has all the students (not grades) and the other sections are the student's assigned class and is grade. The system was putting both sections on the report cards, so I had to unenroll 400 students from the section that was just for communication purposes, so there wouldn't be 2 PE courses on the report card.

      Turns out it is only works to suppress a Course, not Section :(