This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-2202 New Report Card Builder - Course Section Column Headings need not repeat top of every page.
Using the new Report Card Builder, there is some logic where the column headers for grades appears or does not appear, which makes it difficult or confusing to read when creating an end-of-year report card with comments from past terms.
In the first attached screenshot, there are 3 areas that are highlighted.
The first area shows that these are grouped by transcript categories, in this case English. At the top of the page given it's the start of the report card the column headers are listed as they should be with grades and applicable data listed below.
The second area shows a course that is within the same transcript category further down on the same page. Problematic here is the fact that no headers are listed. While I can understand why the system does not put these columns there, we feel the headers should be listed here as well and not just at the top of the page. So the desired change would be to be able to include these headers for each subsequent course, regardless if they are on the same page or the same transcript category. This is unique to report cards compared to transcripts, which are a lot cleaner due to the fact that teacher comments are not included.
The third area builds on the second area by showing that the 'Language Lab' course listed on page 1 and which extends onto the following page includes the same column headers at the top. However, the grades for the course have already been listed previously and as a result is confusing because there are no grades below the column headers at the top of the page. It appears the logic here is simply "if new page, list headers again".
Ultimately, there needs to be additional options & logic which determine when these column headers appear and don't appear. In our case, we want them to appear on report cards every time a new course is listed.
To work around this problem, we have opted to separate each course onto separate pages. This makes the report card longer, but everything is easier to read.