It would be great to be able to change the term directly from the Fulfillment Matrix screen as well as filter by department to have a view that is more in tune with what you are working.
I schedule by department and need to scroll through the entire list, regardless of how it is sorted, to find all of the courses within that department to get a handle on what is going on. If I were to get crazy, I would love to filter the students viewed by grade level because it is important to ensure the seniors get what they need as others have more time to fit in the courses they are requesting but might be filled.
To be able to switch terms without having to back up a level would also save time and clicks when working on schedule colutions
Make it possible to sort the screen by Course Department in order to see the balance of all the sections in a particular department would be a huge improvement for the scheduler.
I still feel this is a valid enhancement that would benefit schedulers once they have it!
As I am scheduling for the current year, I find this little seen idea still has merit. Give it a vote and your scheduler may thank you!
This request for an enhancement is still valid. I think would be a great asset for those who schedule. Especially when you are looking for those who had a conflict and were not enrolled in the class. Looking up student conflicts does not work as it technically isn't a conflict until they are enrolled. Using the Fulfillment Matrix is the best way to see who did not make it in. Filtering the Fulfillment Matrix is the best way to make that job easier. Isn't scheduling hard enough, lol?