Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-1878 Hide link to report card when a student has no applicable grades or comments.

Report Cards only show on Academic Profile (and only print) if there are grades for the report Merged

Ability for the new report card builder report cards to recognize if a student doesn't have grades/comments for that report card.

If no grades/comments,

(1) do not display that report card link on the Academic profile

(2) do not print a page for that child when you print report cards from within the report card template

The no-display/print would be similar to how the old report card builder handled.

We have progress reports that are written only for students who meet specific criteria, so there are often a number of students who have empty report cards for those.

  • Danielle Keeney
  • Sep 18 2020
  • Leslie Hagen commented
    September 25, 2020 15:07

    Would love to have the ability to turn off the report card view from a student's academic profile when the current year access is not set. Grading Managers are currently seeing blank report cards even though the access for this school year is not set.