Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-283 Ability to Only Print Report Cards with Recorded Grades When Batch-Printing.

Ability to print report cards for only students enrolled in a course. Merged

We have summer term where only a handful of students take a course or 2. There is no way to print report cards for just those students who are enrolled in a summer term course. Instead, every single student is printed even though it does not apply to them.

This also means that a summer term report card posts to students pages who never enroll in summer term.

  • Sarah McDermott
  • Jun 29 2021
  • Jeannie Oliwa commented
    July 28, 2021 18:08

    Desperately need this capability. Or a work around. Anyone have ideas?