Ability to set role access for each Official Note template

I would like to be able to allow role or individual access to individual Official Notes templates when I set them up. We have some ON that are meant for teachers to use and some that are meant for administrators to use. But all are available to anyone who has official note access. We moderate all notes to make sure that the wrong templates aren't accessed by the different roles. If we could set role or individual access in each ON template, this would solve the problem.

  • Suzan Moffett
  • Dec 3 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    28 Apr, 2022 03:09pm

    Any movement on this? We too are now in a critical need in the almost post-covid environemnt where we want to utilize official notes seperated between admin/nurses and faculty.

  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    16 Dec, 2019 09:23pm

    This is critical.  The assumption that anyone with the teacher or staff role should be able to compose an official note is not a safe one.  We have a number of Admissions official notes and teachers and staff should not have the ability to create these.

    Similar to how the content type blocks can be restricted to just certain roles, we would want the same functionality for Official Notes.

    In the case where no roles were assigned to an official note, only those assigned to a monitoring team for the given official note should have access.

  • Guest commented
    27 Aug, 2019 08:39pm