Add a warning for Unsaved Course Requests!

It is easy for users to enter Course Requests, forget to click the Save button at the bottom of the page and lose all their work. I've done it myself, and I know better!

Please add a warning if a user is attempting to navigate away from the Course Request page and there are unsaved entries. If that isn't possible, perhaps Course Requests could autosave as they are entered.

  • Charlotte Ealick
  • Mar 29 2023
  • Implemented
  • Aug 21, 2023

    Admin response

    This was implemented with the UI redesign just released for Students and Parents. Similar enhancements will be implemented with the admin experience when the new UI is added to their experience.

  • Attach files
  • Amanda Polson commented
    21 Aug, 2023 02:25am

    We just used course requests for the first time and I know several people are missing from the list because they did not click save. I suspect that the way it displays on phones makes that even more common.

  • Chrystalle Kiefer commented
    30 Mar, 2023 11:33am

    This is very important! I have an event for our incoming freshman where several teachers are helping out with course requests....they don't normally do these, so it is easy for them to forget to click the save button which is VERY easily missed!