Allow admins to set course title/code view options

As of 1/16/24 course codes display allow with course titles. Our school DOES NOT want the course code to be visible and would like to be able to set this preference.

This is not an update we are thrilled about.

  • Guest
  • Jan 16 2024
  • Under consideration
  • Jan 17, 2024

    Admin response

    Hi all,

    Thank you so much for adding the idea to add customization and for your feedback. We implemented course codes with the course name based on feedback from some schools that the information is needed and valuable for their schools. BUT! We hear you that for your schools these codes are either unnecessary or confusing depending on your use of the Course Code field.

    We will be temporarily removing the course code from the screens with the Faculty, Student and Parent portals where it was added with the recent release on 1/16/24. We will be bringing them back along with a customization option in the near future so we can support the needs of more of our schools.

    If you have any questions or additional feedback regarding the course name formatting as we move towards customization, please feel free to reach out to me directly at

    Jacqueline Koca
    SIS Product Manager

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  • Elizabeth Grace commented
    18 Jan 02:21pm

    Thank you for your prompt reply. Do you know when we can expect them to be removed?

  • Guest commented
    18 Jan 01:28pm

    We also do not want the course codes to display. No one but the schedulers know what they are. Please remove them or give admins the option to remove ASAP.


  • Phyllis Armstrong commented
    18 Jan 01:12pm

    Thank you for the quick response Jacqueline!

  • Sarah Lazar commented
    18 Jan 01:11pm

    Thank you. When can we expect them to be removed?As of this morning, they are still visible.

  • S Long commented
    17 Jan 10:46pm

    Thank you for listening! ♥

  • Grace Rios commented
    17 Jan 08:58pm

    Schools should be given the option to make codes visible or not. Course codes are mostly used internally, there is no reason why it should be hard-coded visible for anyone other than the scheduling manager.

  • Guest commented
    17 Jan 08:30pm

    Yes please, can you make this an option where it can be turned OFF.

  • Mia Ek commented
    17 Jan 07:29pm

    Please make this an option that can be tuned off.

  • Elizabeth Grace commented
    17 Jan 07:20pm

    Please make this an option to turn-off ASAP. This "enhancement" will negatively impact our use of the Blackbaud SIS.

  • Susan Wadsworth commented
    17 Jan 07:02pm

    Our school does not want the course code to be visible. When looking at calendars/schedules on smaller screens it cuts off text. Please enable us to take this off.

  • Guest commented
    17 Jan 06:21pm

    This is very messy - please enable an option to turn off.

  • Veronica Dimberio commented
    17 Jan 05:48pm

    Agreed! Please make this an option to turn off!

  • Guest commented
    17 Jan 04:48pm


  • Dave Sartory commented
    17 Jan 04:42pm

    Hmmm.... good question, I might only know mine because of my role. I would reach out to whoever your main administrator is for the Blackbaud system at your school - they will know, or you could ask at support.

  • Guest commented
    17 Jan 04:39pm

    How do you locate your "success manager"?

  • Dave Sartory commented
    17 Jan 04:35pm

    History shows us that these idea boards are hardly effective at making change, but I urge you all to write directly to your "Success Manager" and link this post.

  • Paul Mlakar commented
    17 Jan 04:14pm

    Given there that are already 11 comments and 67 votes to turn this off, I hope Blackbaud reverts this feature ASAP. This is really bad!

  • Mary Kanakaris commented
    17 Jan 02:36pm

    Please allow the option to turn off this enhancement.

  • David Ruiz commented
    17 Jan 02:32pm

    Yes, get rid of his or give the option to turn on or off

  • Phyllis Armstrong commented
    17 Jan 01:26pm

    Yes, please. Make it an option to turn this OFF.

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