Export a Students Grades to excel so they display as they would on a Report Card

It would be nice to be able to export my data to excel (google sheet) as:

Student Name Class Q1 Q2 MYE Sem1 Q3 Q4 FE Sem 2 Final

Mickey Mouse Cheer 90 99 99 95 99 99 99 99 97

Rather than:

Student Class Term Grade

Mickey Mouse Cheer Q1 90

Mickey Mouse Cheer Q2 99

Mickey Mouse Cheer MYE 99

Mickey Mouse Cheer Sem1 95

Mickey Mouse Cheer Q3 99

Mickey Mouse Cheer Q4 99

Mickey Mouse Cheer FE 99

Mickey Mouse Cheer Sem2 99

Mickey Mouse Cheer Final 97

The reason I like it in the other layout is so that I can create an formula in excel to double check the teachers and make sure they have done the calculations for Sem1, Sem 2, and Final correctly. Some times a teacher will do all the work and have the calculations finished then change the Q grade if a student has handed something late and forget, being human, to redo the calculations. But since I’m the gate so to speak before the report card and transcripts go to parents and colleges I like to make sure everything is correct.

It would be easier to write the formula and check if all the grades for a class are on the same line. Or you could just make it so that grade managers could do the calculations for the entire school rather than a class at a time.

  • Angela Kunz
  • Jun 7 2024
  • Attach files