Our Athletic Director keeps track of the different forms that are required to participate. We would like to use the Athletic Clearance to track which students qualify. It would be nice if the Athletic Director could edit the athletic clearance section of the medical information. The nurse would like it, because it would save her the trouble of entering the data for the Athletic department.
This would be great for the Concussion form!
there is a similar idea for this. Let's get them merged so we get more combined votes!
Even if the physical data is in there (that a physical was done on 5/1/2015 for example), and the nurse runs a work list for the Athletic Director, it only shows that a physical was entered - it DOES NOT SHOW THE DATE. there is no way that I can see (with the help desk) to pull a list of when the physical exam was done or when it expired. Are we missing something?
We also need this role, or another athletics-specific role, to have the ability to run worklists or reports / lists to see who has met the requirements and who has not. Currently, only the nurse role has access to this information.