Medical - Nurse building lists/reporting on medical data

Nurses need a way to create various lists for reporting purposes.  Schools want to be able to provide lists of students with specific allergies, medications, etc and include emergency contact information.  This is super important when they are going on field trips too.  

  • Julia Meseck
  • Aug 19 2015
  • Implemented
  • Sep 16, 2015

    Admin response

    We posted this today out on the Blog but I wanted to make sure everyone saw this:

    Earlier this summer, we released our new medical functionality in onRecord so that schools could begin to collect student medical information in an FERPA/HIPPA compliant manner. In the September release, we will be adding our first round of Medical lists with even more coming in our October release.

    Starting on Wednesday, September 23rd, you will be able to create lists based on student grade level, allergies and some medical summary information. In our follow-up release in October, you will be able to create lists based on even more such as conditions and immunizations. Medical lists will be able to be saved and exported.  Also planned for the October release is the ability for coaches and teachers to print medical cards for field trips and games.

  • Attach files
  • Max Egyed commented
    February 13, 2024 21:10

    Enabling advanced reporting for medical data is important and would provide valuable, time-saving means to manage the care of students from an athletics perspective as well. Currently, there is no way to pull a report that includes which body part was injured (this field may be a custom one added, but is not available to pull in any reports).

  • Julie Farr commented
    April 18, 2017 18:45

    Attached is the form we collect now and use as the form we need each year for students to attend class and then teachers take on field trips. Much of the data is in BB, but we need the contacts and then a report to pull all this for teachers to take on Field trips

  • Julie Farr commented
    April 18, 2017 18:38

    Agree with all of this and in addition, we need Authorized Pickups (Contacts) added as well. EVERY school needs some kind of report for teachers to take on field trips - one page per student, searchable, not an excel file.

  • Michael Newman commented
    June 07, 2016 17:57

    I would like to be able be add  the intervention and assessment fields to the work list 

  • Vincent Jurgens commented
    February 09, 2016 21:47

    The "Medical Contact Cards" report, in a group Roster (class, team etc.) is getting there, going in the right direction. Lots of good info, including photos, parent contact info, all emergency contacts, basic medical fields.

    Still needs (and should start a new Idea) -

    - Generate report (by Nurse?) filtered by Grade, or School Level (e.g. lower, middle). Not just groups (unless easy way to make hidden groups of these segmentations, just for this purpose.) 95% of Student info printing and reporting is done by office mangers, nurses, etc., not teachers nor coaches.

    - Student Home address(s). Used to inform which hospital to take to.

    - Option to not show "Permission to Treat". We have whole legal form for that, and a bunch of "No"s is misleading. Hide others, like insurance if we do not use, nice to have.

    - Most importantly, all medical fields. Notes/Comments are there, which is great; they are missing from Work Lists. But 3 allergy reaction fields, Medication Dosage fields, maybe some others, are still missing. 

  • Vincent Jurgens commented
    November 23, 2015 18:54

    I wouldn't consider this, nor similar ideas like K12OR-I-16, "implemented", when critical data is missing (Notes for allergies, conditions and medications;  "signs of reaction" etc. for Allergies. Why are these fields in the system if not to be paid attention to when the power goes out?), and critical filtering/segmenting is missing.

  • Admin
    Julia Meseck commented
    November 23, 2015 14:36

    Hi Laryssa,  Have you checked out the medical contact cards that the teachers and coaches can run from their rosters?  We're also looking into allowing nurses to print these off as well.  

  • Guest commented
    November 18, 2015 16:13

    I'm sorry but this current reporting is somewhat of a disaster.I have been trying to pull a comprehensive medical list for the past 2 hours. What I need is a list of the children who have allergies OR conditions OR medications. It looks as though I can only pull ‘and’. As well, ‘phone number 3’ data is ending up in the ‘allergy 1’ field when I pull the .csv and it makes for way too large of a row to have each allergy in one column. What I would really like it to just print the medical info as it appears on my work list but only if the ‘OR’ statement as above works. Teachers do not want a giant spreadsheet with tons of columns - they want what looks like contact cards by class, alpha with all medical issues, parent info and emergency contacts.

    Please advise,

  • Guest commented
    September 29, 2015 13:07

    I'm sorry if this is against the rules, but I wanted to reference my idea K12CO-I-972 here as well, because others in the comments have noted that while lists are great, we need to be able to put this data into REPORTS! Teachers do not want to be handed a 45-column spreadsheet. They want a single sheet for each student with the relevant information they need. To make this happen, I have had to create a custom mail merge application that uses 3 different lists to populate a summary sheet. This has cost me MANY hours and I know other schools must be dealing with the same thing. If you want a custom report builder, check out my idea.

  • Admin
    Julia Meseck commented
    September 29, 2015 00:23

    Hi there!  There is more medical list goodness coming in the October release (10/21)!  We'll have even more filters available and you'll be able to save and/or export your lists.  

  • Guest commented
    September 24, 2015 13:57

    I see the idea to include medical objects in the advanced list builder was merged with this. I am hoping to still see this functionality in the near future. If we could have the medical objects available then we could filter on multiple grades at one time and build unique lists for each need and include any information we need with it.

  • Guest commented
    September 23, 2015 18:45

    Is there a way to export this data? 

    This is a start, but still doesnt allow for a report to be pulled out of the system to send with supervising teachers on field-trips. When in October will this be released? This is of the utmost importance for risk management. 

    We still need an EMERGENCY INFORMATION REPORT that includes:




    CareCard Number (Canadian)

    Parental Contact Info

    Emergency Contact Info


    Allergies / Conditions


  • Vincent Jurgens commented
    September 17, 2015 18:06

    Are these only Lists, and not Reports, September 23rd?  1 student per row? Filtering by school level, not just grade?  I wonder how useful/readable such Lists would be, print-wise.

    Regardless, of no use if Conditions are not included.

    As I write this, 3 of us are printing, 1-by-1, each Upper School student's medical tab screen, popping the "i" to view Comments, collating with 3 other printouts.  Countless hours spent on this already.  K-8 doing same.

  • Vincent Jurgens commented
    September 06, 2015 21:07

    See K12OR-I-16 too 

  • Oona McKnight commented
    August 27, 2015 21:03

    If this is going to be our system for storing medical data, we need a way to access/export the data. For instance, if there is an outbreak of measles, we need to quick way to pull up all the students' immunization records for measles.