Teacher Obligation by Block report reformatted and addition

The Teacher Obligation by Block report would be greatly improved by:

1. Making the formatting come out correctly in the basic report generation. How it comes out of the system, not everything fits into the boxes, so it is unusable without exporting to Excel each time and reformatting

2. Adding the # of enrolled students to each section. This would give the information at a glance that is useful when looking over the entire teacher grid (very similar to what is available on screen from Schedule Maker and View Master Schedule, but a printed version to work with).

  • Guest
  • Jun 28 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 31, 2018 15:09

    Agree!  If a single teacher teaches more than one section in one block, only the FIRST section show.  For example, we have a teacher that teaches AP Calc AB and AP Calc BC in the same block (Period 4).  the AP Calc AB class shows up on the grid, but the AP Calc BC course does not. We use this report for exam scheduling and have missed key classes from exams because of this. 

  • James Maier commented
    October 31, 2018 14:55

    We have several teachers that have multiple courses in the same block/room. Only one of the courses shows in this report. It would be very helpful if they all would appear. We have not found any other workaround that comes close to this report.