Allow parent or student to set notification based on grades received.

Students and parents would benefit from the ability to set notifications based on grades received. For example - A parent or student could set a notification request if student received a grade of 75 or lower on an assignment or test.

  • Tammy Peden
  • Aug 30 2016
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Norma Martinez commented
    19 Jan, 2023 04:36pm

    This would help in keeping parents informed of their child's progress.

  • Hiram Cuevas commented
    6 Dec, 2021 03:44pm

    Angie, thanks for noodling on this some more. However, since grades and HW are such touchy topics within schools, providing granularity for a school to either turn off notifications by division would also be helpful. This is particularly important for those communities where the school has a desired outcome; student self-sufficiency. I also see the merits of notifications when a grade hits a certain threshold. @JohnNeiers at Dalton can speak more about their desire to limit notifications.

  • Lori MacConnell commented
    6 Dec, 2021 02:11pm

    Notifications would work for us if a student's cumulative grade fell below a certain numeric level. This would reduce one more email that teachers have to send.

  • Jessica Smith commented
    3 Dec, 2021 04:57pm

    I agree this is something available even to the poorest school districts through their systems. For a system like Blackbaud to overlook such an important yet basic feature is absurd.

    I am thinking keep it basic. Email notification if a student has a missing or incomplete assignment and if a student receives an F (or pick a reasonable grade if you don't want to allow schools to choose their own level) on an assignment/quiz/test etc, based on the entered due date for the assignment. And another email if a students overall grade drops below a certain level in that class. Number vs Letter grade should be determined by the schools established grading scale. If I see a 73 on an assignment or in a class, I can check the school grading scale and see that's as low a C as she can get before it goes to D. And if I get something that just says she got a C, I can choose to log in and check and see was it a high or a low C.

    Have it be a default notification setting that is unchangeable. Parents get an email no matter if they elect it or not. If a parent doesn't care and doesn't want the emails, they can mark it as SPAM and ignore their kids grades. (Sad but happens.) And as one poster suggested, have the option for a weekly grade report. IN ADDITION to the default notifications. A parent who wants to know EVERY grade their child makes is likely already logging in regularly to check them.

  • Meghan Carr commented
    3 Dec, 2021 04:49pm

    Completely agree and second Beth English's response of: "Allowing numeric criteria would satisfy us. For those parents that don't want to micromanage assignments, it would be nice to notify when the cumulative grade falls below a certain numeric level as well. I can see how that would be a bit trickier though."

  • Beth English commented
    3 Dec, 2021 04:36pm

    Allowing numeric criteria would satisfy us. For those parents that don't want to micromanage assignments, it would be nice to notify when the cummulative grade falls below a certail numeric level as well. I can see how that would be a bit trickier though.

  • Angela Addison commented
    3 Dec, 2021 04:14pm

    Hi all, I know it's been a while but sitting here noodling this. If we did assignment notifications, are people happy with they would only work if it were a numeric grade setup and the assignment was graded < a certain number? Ignoring that different assignment types have different configuration? Or is the expectation that every assignment type would be presented to the parent and they could choose i.e. assignment type A = pass/fail send me a notification if marked failed. Assignment type B = letter grade, send me notification if graded with one of these values: C,D,F. assignment type c = numeric send notification if below 75. This is where my head gets tripped up on it. Seems overkill and, preferences are on the parent user record so, if multiple students with multiple classes having different gradebook setup could get pretty heavy. Thoughts? How did it work in your old systems?

  • Shannon Lowe commented
    11 Jun, 2020 03:21pm

    Thank you so much for considering this! We migrated to Blackbaud from a "lower-end" SMS--it had grade notifications, and we were all stunned to see Blackbaud didn't offer it. That seems like low-hanging fruit to me! Please move toward implementing this. :) Thank you!

  • Angela Addison commented
    10 Jun, 2020 06:18pm

    Thanks @Amy Calhoun you can email me if easier -

  • Amy Calhoun commented
    10 Jun, 2020 01:43pm

    Angela: I do not know how to access a private message on here. There is no live link. I'd be happy to discuss what we would like to see.

  • Joshua Blice commented
    10 Jun, 2020 12:59am

    Thank you for bringing up this idea again because this has come up a lot with distance learning. From my school's perspective, I think it would be good to consider "graded" as an actual grade for the assignment or marked as missing. I don't know how teachers use the L for Late or I for Incomplete Work.

  • Angela Addison commented
    9 Jun, 2020 09:29pm

    Hi all, it looks like this is a mix of a couple different requests - one for if an assignment is graded send notification (with potentially the additional ability to set a threshold of only if below 'x') and the other to automatically send a notification if their running cumulative grade average is below x. We are considering the former - assignment grades. My question to the group is how do you define it as "graded". I know that sounds like a simple question and you'd think it was the number grade for the assignment is entered in assignment details or gradebook but there are nuances that I'm curious about. If anyone is open to engaging on it private message me and I'll get in touch thanks!

  • Lisa Funkhouser commented
    26 Jun, 2019 03:40pm

    Our previous SIS had the ability to do this. It was an important tool for both the school and parents.

  • josceline reardon commented
    18 Jan, 2019 01:28pm

    Would be great if the teacher could have the global ability to turn on the notifications, rather than the parent and student.

  • Guest commented
    27 Nov, 2018 04:36pm

    This would be EXTREMELY helpful! 

  • Shawna Khan commented
    24 Jan, 2018 08:45pm

    This would be extremely useful and I am very surprised that there are no notifications for grades in this system.  Tons for sports, but nothing for grades.  Parents and advisors should be able receive notifications for students where grades drop below a certain threshold. 

    Parents should also be able to sign up to have grades emailed to them daily/weekly/biweekly/monthly...something.  My children go to a school that uses an information system where I was able to sign up to have grades emailed to me daily or weekly for each child.  It is extremely useful to help me, as a parent, stay informed about my children's grades.  I am disappointed that our school's families don't have this or any option available to them.  

  • Amy Calhoun commented
    27 Jul, 2017 05:57pm

    It would be nice if it would send notifications once a week to parents if a quarter grade is below a certain threshold. I am not sure about it sending for every grade, but a push notification weekly would be good. 

  • Graham Getty commented
    30 Sep, 2016 06:54pm

    I don't know about students and parents, but at least advisors? Our school is small enough that we want students to hear about poor grades in face-to-face meetings with teachers or advisors first, but being able to alert Advisors to a certain grade would be much appreciated.

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